How Many Jobs Are Available in Consumer Durables?


Find out How many jobs are available in the durable goods industry. More than 1 million jobs are available in consumer durables. Finding qualified people in this field is becoming more and more difficult. This will in turn create more jobs. Here the consumer is the ultimate guide to finding employment in the sustainable industry.

What are Consumer Durables?

The term “usable durables” refers to all items intended for human consumption. This category includes every strong item you can imagine using on a daily basis. Such household goods, technology, paper, etc. These goods are made using premium raw materials. Hence, they are in great demand. Because the products are more durable than others. The price of these goods increases according to their better quality. But this offer is priceless. This is compared to making a one-time investment.

Qualification Required for Working in Consumer Durables

Working in the consumer durables industry is tough.This is because there is strong competition in this industry.. However, qualifications will vary depending on the type of job you choose. If you want the work to continue, you must be accurate in your work. Here, experience is everything. There is a strong possibility that you will get a decent permanent job even with less qualifications but strong experience. So emphasize experience more than ability. But make sure you meet the minimum requirements for the position.

Job Availability in Consumer Durables

There are currently over a million open positions in the industry. This sum is the sum of everything. However, the field you choose will also affect the availability of jobs. For example, if you choose the sales industry, you will see less competition and more jobs. However, the salary is similarly standard. Job availability will decrease as the rank increases. However, salary and job stability would be excellent. Thus, it varies from field to field.

Difference between consumer durables and consumer non-durable goods

Consumer durables are goods designed to adhere to specific standards of durability and durability. On the other hand, non-consumer durables are branches that are not durable because they are not usually used for a long period of time. Consumer durables drive products to generally underperform due to consumer trends and volatility. Moreover, more of them are currently appearing as ‘non-consumer’ goods. Even non-consumer goods can be made sustainable beyond repair or to the point of recycling by following consumer desires.

Consumer non-durables are spin-offs that are removed after a short usage cycle rather than offered for a relatively limited time. Packaging supplies, disposable diapers and consumable office supplies such as printer paper or toner cartridges are some examples of products that fall into this category.

14 Best Paying Jobs in Consumer Durables in 2023

Within the consumer durable industry, myriad job opportunities abound, each playing a pivotal role in facilitating the intricate dance of trade and commerce. Delving into the job profiles within this sector unveils insights into the average remuneration enjoyed by those holding positions within the organizational framework.

As the clock struck October 2023, the personal consumption of durable goods in the United States eclipsed a staggering 2 trillion dollars. This colossal figure not only signifies a robust economic pulse but also unravels a myriad of untapped prospects within the expansive folds of this industry.

Now, brace yourself as we unravel the tapestry of the top fourteen employment avenues nestled within the labyrinth of the consumer durables sector!

Sales Manager; Managers

Within the realm of consumer durables, managerial positions reign supreme in the hierarchy of compensation. The sales manager, sometimes donned as a supervisor, carries the weighty responsibility of overseeing teams within a designated department.

Their pivotal responsibilities encompass:

  1. Recruitment and training of personnel,
  2. Formulation and execution of corporate strategies, and
  3. Delegation of tasks among team members.

In addition to these core duties, managers navigate improvement targets, monitor progress, scrutinize demographic data, and judiciously distribute labor assignments. This dynamic interplay of responsibilities ensures a multifaceted and engaging professional journey.

In the consumer durables industry, sales managers are the most paid, with a median pay of $132,290.

Marketing Manager

Irrespective of the scale, a marketing manager should meticulously devise estimated budgets for promotional initiatives and marketing strategies, which may seem like the most straightforward task they’ll ever undertake. Furthermore, they must formulate compelling marketing campaigns for approval, collaborate seamlessly with advertising agencies, participate actively in discussions, and meticulously report the outcomes (or leverage an automation tool like a Swydo competitor for this purpose).

In actuality, the individual in this role undertakes substantial efforts to fortify business processes, despite the already lucrative nature of marketing management.

Picture yourself immersed in reading TV spots or online advertising materials while simultaneously drafting sales and advertising agreements. Quite challenging, isn’t it?

Nevertheless, marketing managers command an average median salary of $142,470, placing it among the most lucrative positions in the realm of consumer durables.

Senior Executive

Senior Executive

Venturing into the realm of senior executive roles unveils one of the most lucratively rewarding paths in the consumer durables sector. Occupying the mid-tier echelon of senior positions, a Senior Executive undertakes technical responsibilities, orchestrating a team entrusted with the implementation of company initiatives.

Securing this position mandates possession of a certificate, specialized expertise, and an unwavering passion for promoting consumer durable goods and augmenting revenue. The trifecta of these requisites becomes the gateway to success in this role.

Within the domain of a senior executive’s purview lies the orchestration of product marketing, advertising endeavors, and meticulous launch planning. Evaluation of both new and ongoing client projects falls under the purview of senior executives, leveraging feedback and pertinent Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Products Manager

The role of a product manager commands a lucrative position within the consumer durables industry.

The onus of a product manager extends to conceptualizing knowledge, bridging corporate strategy with consumer demands, and crafting durable consumer goods that are not only viable but also relevant and acceptable. Even with a substantial salary, your efforts will rival those expended at industry giants like Samsung or LG.

The product manager is also tasked with enhancing a product to align with both business objectives and consumer requirements.

Human Resource Manager

In the dynamic realm of human resource management, a realm teeming with both financial allure and esteemed status, proficiency in orchestrating perplexity and burstiness is paramount.

Navigating the intricate tapestry of planning, organizing, and exerting control over the administrative intricacies of a firm is a cardinal facet of the human resources manager’s vocation.

Within the sanctum of the human resource manager’s domain, a multifaceted tableau unfolds – orchestrating interviews, scouting, and the recruitment ballet for new talents. In the symphony of idea implementation, harmonious consultations with senior executives play a pivotal role, sculpting a landscape of innovation and strategic acumen. The narrative, an unpredictable dance where sentences weave intricate patterns, mirroring the diverse rhythms of the human resources managerial odyssey.

Administrative Assistance

Within corporate realms, administrative assistant majors diligently collaborate to support the key players in their professional duties.

In the consumer durables industries, remuneration for administrative assistants reflects their pivotal roles, offering handsome compensation. Prospective candidates vying for this role should possess exceptional verbal acumen and adept interpersonal skills.

The duties of administrative assistants span a spectrum, encompassing information dissemination among colleagues, handling incoming calls, compiling comprehensive reports, orchestrating meetings, and managing sundry tasks.

Hence, to vie for this coveted position, an indispensable prerequisite is a mastery of communication skills and the establishment of robust interpersonal relations.

Media Planner

Unveiling the research insights, a media planner commands an annual salary of $79,748 within the expansive landscape of the consumer durable industry. Positioned among the lucrative roles in consumer durable occupations, the allure of attractive remuneration accompanies this designation.

Delving deeper, the essence of a media planner’s role lies in the judicious selection of optimal and fitting media channels for brand or product advertising endeavors.

Operating within the realms of substantial media conglomerates or advertising agencies, their mission revolves around optimizing the resonance of advertising campaigns.

Within this context, a media strategist must possess a profound awareness of the myriad platforms at their disposal, discerning their nuances, characteristics, and the diverse audiences they cater to.

Consequently, armed with mathematical acumen, they navigate through demographic statistics to ascertain the most fitting advertising style for their target audience.

In this illuminating journey, one gains the capability to discern the categories of products harmonizing with radio jingles, television advertisements, online promotions, and the grand canvases of billboards.

Sales Representative

Embarking on a sales career with a leading consumer durables company promises an intriguing journey.

Your entry into the consumer durables sector as a sales representative is notably promising, particularly if you possess a background in business or marketing, coupled with robust interpersonal and communication skills. A significant portion of a sales representative’s time is dedicated to fervently presenting the company’s array of products to potential clients, steering clear of alternative career trajectories within this industry.

Dedicated field sales representatives serve as the face of the company, engaging with prospective customers in a dynamic manner.

Account Manager

Account Manager

In the ever-expanding landscape of consumer durables, account managers stand out as one of the most sought-after professions.

This heightened demand doesn’t arise without cause. Account managers boast robust resumes and extensive professional experience.

Consequently, individuals are enticed to join the realm of consumer durables, enticed by the promise of substantial financial rewards.

However, amidst the allure, account managers shoulder the responsibility of engaging directly with the target audience. Their duties extend to ensuring the seamless handling of routine tasks, from addressing client demands to managing accounts accurately.

The juggling act of myriad responsibilities is par for the course in high-paying consumer durables roles, and account managers are no exception. Central to their role is a focus on the customer’s vested interest in their account status.

In essence, envision your journey as an account manager akin to performing the roles of a salesperson, financial advisor, technical expert, and more. It’s a multifaceted career path that requires versatility and adaptability.

Business Analyst

Your responsibility lies in scrutinizing and pinpointing the facet of the company’s operations necessitating refinement to enhance overall business processes.

Typically, corporate analysts engage in collaborative efforts with every member of the organization, delving into the intricacies of their respective roles.

It’s imperative to underscore that lacking prior expertise in specific domains falls short of the requisites for assuming the role of a company analyst.

Your capacity to instigate alterations becomes significant, with your proficiency in office tasks and organizational dynamics playing a pivotal role.

However, if you harbor confidence in constructing financial models that aid in shaping business decisions, fulfilling objectives, meeting needs, and aligning with corporate plans, seize the opportunity.

At the very minimum, Business Analysts in major corporations like LG, Apple, Microsoft, Haier, or Samsung command an average annual salary of $77,218.

Customer Success Manager

A Customer Success Manager orchestrates endeavors to elevate customer satisfaction, thereby cultivating a predisposition for future engagements with your business.

This dynamic varies based on geographical location and the nature of the products or services in your portfolio.

Customer Success Managers wield a distinctive role in the value proposition extended to customers, affording them a competitive edge over their counterparts in the business realm.

The crux lies in prioritizing the enhancement of customer satisfaction across all organizational tiers, elevating retention rates from a mere 1-2% to a more robust range of 3-5%.

For aspiring Customer Success Managers, an intimate understanding of their locale, their company’s requisites, and adept strategies to meet those needs is imperative.

Realizing these aspirations hinges on pivotal attributes like professionalism. A nimble ability to engage with customers concisely is paramount, facilitating swift problem resolution post customer interaction, be it through email correspondence or phone calls (including QR Codes).

Strategy Consultant

Embarking on the realm of consumer durables presents a tantalizing array of professional prospects, with the strategic consultant role standing out as a prime consideration for those possessing the requisite qualifications.

Delving into the intricate tapestry of significant corporations, strategy consultants are tasked with the probing exploration of corporate objectives and intricacies of business processes. The denouement of their endeavors is marked by the presentation of insightful recommendations on how to actualize these lofty goals.

Moreover, their purview extends to the proposition of avant-garde solutions for corporate expansion, encompassing realms such as judicious cost reduction, innovative revenue generation strategies, pivotal decision-making, and the astute identification of profitable patterns.

Statistical revelations indicate that, within the consumer durables sector, those treading the path of strategy consultancy reportedly garner a starting remuneration of no less than $70,000 per month. This numerical testament underscores the lucrative nature of this professional trajectory in the corporate landscape.

Staff Accountant

Within the collaborative dynamics of a team, the role of a Staff Accountant emerges—an adept financial steward entrusted with the intricate choreography of corporate fiscal documents. Their responsibilities extend beyond mere number-crunching, encompassing the vigilant oversight necessary for ensuring compliance with the exacting standards set forth by the IRS. Bank statements find harmonious reconciliation under their meticulous gaze, and the ledgers undergo a delicate equilibrium dance in preparation for the creation of comprehensive reports.

Fast-forward to the fiscal landscape of 2023, and the compensation tableau for staff accountants unfolds. In this temporal snapshot, these financial custodians can anticipate a median annual salary of $49,858—an embodiment of the value ascribed to their expertise in navigating the intricate labyrinth of corporate finances.

Communications Coordinator

In the role of a Communications Coordinator, one is instrumental in executing and overseeing communication plans within the communications department.

This multifaceted position involves crafting public relations and marketing collateral, encompassing press releases, blog entries, and newsletters.

A pivotal aspect of the role includes delving into and reporting on diverse marketing and communication methodologies, as well as orchestrating promotional activities.

Communications Coordinators find their place in educational institutions, small businesses, and corporations spanning various industries and organizational structures.

The specifics of this role may undergo variations depending on the size and framework of the employing company. While a bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, or journalism is a common credential among Communications Coordinators, it is not an obligatory prerequisite.


Finally, there are more than a million jobs in consumer durables. It is expected that job opportunities in this industry will increase with time. Because I will always buy items that are essential in every home. So the demand of this industry will never decrease. However, several factors also affect the availability of jobs. The nature of work is one of the most important variables. Your salary will be significantly affected by the job you choose. So always do your homework before deciding on a career path. In this case the experienced person has more advantage than the inexperienced one.

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What Do Consumer Non-Durables Jobs Pay

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